climate neutral certified

Rocky Mountain Dog Becomes Climate Neutral Certified For The Second Year In A Row

Rocky Mountain Dog measured and offset its 2020 footprint and is working to reduce future emissions.

Calgary, Alberta (April 22, 2021) – In response to the urgency of the climate crisis, Rocky Mountain Dog, is proud to announce that it is officially Climate Neutral Certified joining 230 other brands that have earned the standard by measuring and offsetting all of their 2020 carbon emissions and reducing future emissions.

Climate Neutral Certified is the leading consumer label designating carbon neutrality. It is carried by brands that have voluntarily stepped up to take responsibility for the greenhouse gas emissions generated in the production, operations, and shipping of their goods and services. 

"Together with 230 other brands, Rocky Mountain Dog, offset 700,000 tonnes of carbon credit purchases investing in renewable electricity generation and electric vehicle charging stations, restored forest ecosystems, and destroyed harmful methane emissions. We're super pumped to be a part of this organization and want to do our part to help fight climate change!" says Rob Johnson, owner of Rocky Mountain Dog.

climate neutral

Rocky Mountain Dog and our other Climate Neutral Certified brands are leading the global shift to a net-zero economy by doing what all companies should be doing immediately: measuring, offsetting, and reducing their carbon emissions,” says Climate Neutral CEO, Austin Whitman. “Our label helps consumers identify these brands. It’s a recognizable and trusted symbol that turns everyday purchases into meaningfully positive climate action.” 

Climate Neutral’s certification is based on internationally recognized standards for carbon measurement, neutrality, and offsetting. Each brand must measure Scope 1, 2, and 3 cradle-to-customer greenhouse gas emissions for the prior calendar year.

Then a brand must buy verified carbon credits to offset its entire footprint. This directs investment into critical carbon sequestration projects such as forest conservation, renewable energy, and carbon capture technologies.

Finally, brands commit to a reduction action plan to cut future emissions within a 12-24 month timeline, reporting progress on those plans annually. All of the brand’s data is publicly available on Climate Neutral’s website. The process is repeated annually when companies must re-certify. 

Learn more about Climate Neutral and browse all of the certified brands at


Climate Neutral is a nonprofit organization working with brands and consumers to decrease global greenhouse gas emissions. The label, Climate Neutral Certified, is the universal standard in carbon neutrality. It is earned by brands who measure, offset, and reduce their entire carbon footprint, making it easy for consumers to shop with concern for the global climate. To learn more, visit 


Rocky Mountain Dog is a lifestyle brand selling adventure gear for dogs. Our mission is to inspire others to explore the outdoors with their dogs making memories along the way. By being part of Climate Neutral, we are ensuring the outdoors will always be there.