Best Dog Landscape photo

Best Dog and Owner Photo

Best Dog Reel

This contest is now closed, winners were chosen February 23, 2023.

We're looking for the most amazing photos and videos of your dog and we will reward you for your talent by entering our "Great Outdoors" photo contest. We have three categories:
- Best Dog Landscape Photo
- Best Dog and Owner Photo
- Best Dog Reel
To enter:
- Like and tag someone in the Instagram post @rockymountaindogca posted on January 22, 2023
- Or like and tag the post from @rockymountaindogca posted on February 15, 2023
- Post your best photo/reel, state the category you are entering and tag us @rockymountaindogca
- You can enter as many photos/reels as you like in any category
There will be three prizes, the overall winner will now receiving $400 cash, the other winners will receive $100 each plus giveaway prizes. The contest is open until February 17, 2023, we will choose the winners on Wednesday, February 22. Preferences will be given to photos/videos with RMD product (including RexSpecs and K9 Sport Sacks), that said, we are looking for incredible photos so if you think you have a great photo, enter!

By entering the contest, you give Rocky Mountain Dog the rights to use all photos/videos posted. This includes the rights to use the photos/videos on our website, advertising and promotional material. Your dog may be the next RMD rockstar!

We can't wait to see your photos and videos and we thank you for taking the time to enter our contest!